These news items about stress reduction and cancer survival may be of interest:
1) Stress Management May Have Long-Term Benefits For Cancer Survivors
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Going through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment can be one of the most stressful events that a woman ever has to face. Learning to cope with that stress can carry benefits not only in the early stages of recovery, but also years down the road, according to new research.
A University of Miami longitudinal study, which was published online this month in the journal CANCER, showed stress management interventions may reduce depressive symptoms and improve quality of life for breast cancer survivors for up to 15 years.
Source: The Huffington Post
2) Complementary Therapies Can Boost Survival in Cancer Patients
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A large percent of cancer patients use some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), typically with the goal of relieving pain and controlling the adverse effects of disease or treatment.
A new review of evidence drawn from experimental and epidemiologic studies, as well as a few clinical trials, demonstrates that several of the integrative approaches and lifestyle changes might also influence cancer survivorship.
“At times, these modalities can actually have a survival effect that could be similar to conventional care,” said first author Moshe Frenkel, MD, chair of the Israeli Society of Complementary Medicine and founder of the Integrative Oncology Clinic at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
Source: Medscape
I feel that stress plays a major role in breast cancer diagnosis. It is also important to utilize these modalities, during cancer treatment. Such as, hypnosis, guided imagery, tai chai, and various meditations.
Be calm